Tag Archives: DIY

How to Upcycle T-Shirts into a Rug


upcycled t shirt crochet bath mat rugI think we actually  have more clothes in our house set aside to be upcycled, than we do clothes to wear. It’s starting to resemble an explosion in a jumble sale round here.  It’s all worth the mess and fluff though when I do make something lovely from my stash – occasionally I even sell something.  This creation is for me though – but, as always custom orders are welcome.

The latest creation here at Number 2 is an upcycled T-shirt rag rug and matching chair pad. I made the rug as a bath mat for our holiday cottage – the underfloor heating will dry it in situ.   I made the matching chair pad for my sewing chair which is painted a lovely green, shabby chic style,  so the mat goes beautifully.  No photo as my sewing area was way to untidy to show!

Here’s how to – you’ll need to know how to crochet! or learn quick (come to one of my workshops)!strips of recycled t shirt fabric ready to upcycle into a rug

  1. Collect at least 10 T-shirts for the chair pad – quantity  depends on size obviously, the bigger the better!
  2. Cut the T-shirts into long strips about an inch wide – do this by cutting the arms off and then start at the bottom and cut in a spiral. Then, do the same with the sleeves.
  3. If you have some thicker fabrics like sweatshirts – cut these strips thinner to take into account their bulk.
  4. Use a big crochet hook (I used an 8mm) and crochet the strips in a circle  just as you would with yarn, working increases to keep the work flat.
  5. To change colour, sew – well more like tack/baste – the ends together – you can tie them but it’s not as neat.
  6. Keep going until you reach your desired size or run out of T-shirts.upcycled t shirt crochet bath mat